our services We conduct and coordinate visitor studies from their initial planning and design phase through to the final presentation of findings and recommendations:
- Exhibit and Program Evaluation
We work collaboratively with you to refine the evaluation goals of your project and then identify the appropriate methodologies to address those goals. We undertake studies of exhibits and programs in all stages of development and have experience with concept testing, prototype/pilot testing, outcome measurement, remedial evaluation, as well as effectiveness and impact assessment. We are versed in a variety of data collection techniques, including the use of card sorts, concept maps, open-ended interviews, focus groups, focused observations, timing and tracking, pre- and post-tests, web-based surveys and others.
- Audience Research
Whether you need concrete data to support anecdotal evidence or have new questions about your audiences—such as who they are, why they visit and what they do while on site—we design studies that provide you with baseline information that allow you to compare changes in your visitorship over time, as well as make strategic decisions about your organization.
We are also available to assist you with specific aspects of visitor studies projects, including:
- Instrument design and development, such as for pencil-and-paper questionnaires, web-based surveys and interview guides;
- Data collection (English and Spanish) via face-to-face and telephone interviews and focus groups;
- Training in qualitative data collection techniques;
- Coding, entry and analysis of qualitative data;
- Report writing and editing;
- Translation from English to Spanish of survey instruments and protocols, consent forms, outreach materials, etc.
our commitment We work in collaboration with you to design and implement visitor studies that best satisfy the scope, timeline and budget of your project. From the moment you contact us, you will receive:
- Prompt and personal attention over the course of our work with you
- An evaluation plan that is designed to fit your needs for objective, reliable and systematic feedback
- Timely and user-friendly reports to help you plan and develop effective exhibitions and programs
- High quality results at an affordable price